So I'm saying this for the umpteenth time now,'s been FOREVER!!!
Life has just been hectic, and crazy, and chaotic for the last few weeks, and since I'm just a glutton for punishment I've decided to try my hand at yet another blog. I've actually started this one in conjunction with my latest venture...Heritage Makers. It will be a blog where you (if you'd like to come visit me there...please!) and my clients can see what I've been creating with Heritage Makers products, as well as get ideas for fun...sometimes crafty...definitely easy...projects for you to do. I'm still in the process of figuring out exactly how I want to do everything, but I'm also planning on posting my own storybooking ideas...or notes for storybooks for my kiddies, just in case they might be of some benefit to someone else. Of course a lot of the stuff will have to do with Heritage Makers, but please don't feel like you can't visit me if you don't want to do anything with Heritage Makers. (Of course, if you do think that you might be interested in something with HM that's just bonus hockey for me....but definitely not a requirement to check out the blog.) As I was trying to say before: this is an idea blog...very similar to my ideas (or lack thereof) that have been on this blog. Hopefully you'll find something fun or useful or both on the, please follow me over to (drumroll please...) The Featuring Family Blog.
Just as a note: Although I haven't been very good at it lately, I will still continue to post on mombles. Just be patient with me!