Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Here's a little extra for you....

So, you know me and my addiction to giveaways...well, I've got another one for you! (Although, if you don't enter then I just have a better chance of winning. LOL!!)

I'm pretty sure there's only a handful of people left in the world that haven't heard of Shelf Reliance, but just in case you're in that handful, Shelf Reliance is a company that specializes in food storage. They have those cool storage shelves for cans...you know the first in, first out storage shelf. They also have a food line where they sell food for food storage (what else??).

Anyhow, somewhere along the line, I got myself signed up to receive their newsletter. I don't recall doing it, but it magically appeared in my inbox one day, so I guess I did. Which...as it turns out, is a good thing.

Today my inbox had a message from Shelf Reliance. Imagine my delight when I opened my mail and saw they were having a giveaway...actually several give aways. They have a new feature on their blog called, "Free on Friday," where they will be offering new giveaways every 2 weeks. The lucky winner's will be announced on...Fridays!

Their first giveaway is for this little beauty....(imagine me doing my best Vanna White impression)
The Harvest 72" is one of their favorite products...and for good reason. It's just so cool! Kenny got me one a couple of years ago for my birthday (Yes, I know what you're thinking..."oh, how romantic," but honestly it's one of my favorite things that he's given me. I'm such a practical person!) and I love it. Let me say that again...I LOVE IT!! It's my goal to fill it up one day. It seems our family eats everything faster than I can fill it up. I could go on...instead, I'll just direct you over to the Shelf Reliance Blog to enter the giveaway yourself. Good Luck!

Oh...and if you win, I'm quite partial to Dove chocolate !! jk!

1 comment:

Jackee said...

Hey! That is awesome. Too bad I never win anything. (But I'll try anyway.)


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