(image, by Kadi Prescott)
Well, we're officially in the second week of our summer break/vacation/holiday?? (not quite sure what to call it anymore...It's not really a holiday, although that's what we used to call it when I was growing up. Maybe it's a vacation for the kids...and the teachers. Not so much for me. I guess that leaves me with "break." But I always associate "break" with something a little bit more short term...like, for example, a week...definitely not 2 1/2 months.)
I think summer and I have a love/hate relationship.
I love the sunshine and warmth after months of cold!
I hate the allergies that come along with the warmer weather.
I love looking at the beautiful flowers.
I hate pulling weeds!
I love NOT having to be up early to get the kids off to school.
I hate not having a real schedule/routine. (I suppose I could make up a schedule/routine for us, but hey! it's summer...who wants to do that?? I'll probably just continue lamenting the fact that we need more structure, because I just really don't want to do anything about it. *Big Sigh*)
I love later nights for everyone.
I hate the grumpy morning that result from them.
I love seeing all the kids out playing with each other...riding bikes, water fights, neighborhood football games, laughter, etc.
BUT not at 7 AM.
I love a summer rain storm.
I hate that it cancels our baseball games!
I love that it's warm enough to swim and boat (occasionally).
I hate that it's Kenny's busy season, so we see less of him.
I love fresh peaches in August!
I hate watermelon. (I know, watermelon is quintessential summer! My kids keep telling me to try it and maybe I'll like it. I keep telling them that I try it once a year thinking that maybe something has changed from the previous year, but it doesn't, and I still don't like it...sorry!)
I love short sleeves, capris, shorts, flip-flops.
I hate sunscreen. (I always have...It's just something about how it feels on my hands, and I really don't like putting it on other people. Weird huh??)
I love BBQ's!
I hate mosquitoes!...and flies, and grasshoppers...especially grasshoppers! (Notice I did not say spiders. I don't mind them...as long as they're not in my house!)
As I write this list, I can't help thinking that I really sound like a complainer! Yikes! Not exactly what I was going for in this post. Truly, I love summer. The "hates", in actuality, are just minor annoyances that I'm happy to put up with for summer......ahhhhhhh!!!
So how about you? How's your summer going? What do you love/hate about summer?
I had no idea you felt that way about grasshoppers? Seriously, why grasshoppers?! I could see spiders, but grasshoppers? You are a little weird?! What does Rylen have to say about that? I'm sure he could pass on some words of wisdom to you.
Yeah...grasshoppers. Had a bad experience as a kid! They just freak me out because I never know where they're going to jump.
All the boys like to torture me by catching the darn things and then bringing them to me like they're a cool prize or something...Ewww!
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