Thursday, June 4, 2009


It's been one of those weeks!

Physicals (2 1/2 HOURS at the doctor for 1 kid...does that seem a little ridiculous to anyone besides myself??),

A mountain of laundry (I'm not just talking a little mountain...not even just Mt. Everest...I'm talking the entire Himalayan Mountain Range),

Weeding...and hopefully in the next couple of days planting flowers,



Birthday Party (well technically that's tomorrow, but I'll count it anyhow).

Not to mention...

Just having the kids home 24/7 has thrown me off my game,

And finally...

I downloaded a virus on my computer (dumb computer virus writing geeks!!  Rrrrrr!),


I'm still here, and one of these days I'll manage to write a post worthy of reading!!


Andy Porter said...

2 1/2 hours??? Ridiculous! I hope you are surviving your crazy busy schedule!

Jackee said...

Craptastic. I'll be thinking of you!

Andy Porter said...

I hope you don't mind, I'm passing on an awe-summm blogger award to you because you are wonderful and always seem to know just what to say.


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