*I had an idea a while ago to write down all of the things that I learned from my kids. I called it, "Lesson's From My 3 Year Old" although I've learned things from each of my children. I tried to write diligently each week, but kind of fizzled out after a little while. One of my thoughts in starting this blog was to give me an opportunity to restart writing excerpts for "Lesson's From My 3 Year Old"...occasionally. So, indulge me. Every so often Wednesday Wisdom will not necessarily be wisdom from a quotable source but wisdom learned from my observations of my kiddies.
Lesson #1 - I Belong...
I've noticed that each of my kids likes to look at pictures of themselves and our family. This has never really struck me as unique until I noticed Bright (our 7 mo. old) doing the same thing. I would hold him as I worked at the computer and he would wiggle and squirm until I brought up pictures of our family from our blog. Then he would get a big smile on his face. He would get all excited and start to babble. I also noticed this same reaction every time Kenny's picture came up on my phone. Bright's reaction was the same every time he recognized the people in the pictures, but he was very indifferent to pictures of people that he did not recognize....and I started wondering "why?" I know that babies enjoy looking at faces, so it shouldn't have really mattered which faces he saw, but Bright's strong response came only when he saw our faces. Why? Obviously he sees us all the time. He recognizes us. He knows us. We are familiar to him. He feels like he belongs with us.
My lesson learned:
We are each born with the light of Christ. Some of us are fortunate enough to have families where that knowledge is cultivated. Other's have to search for it. When found, I think that we experience that same sort of reaction that Bright had. The excitement. The recognition. The feeling like, "this is where we belong." We recognize our divine heritage,are drawn to it, and are drawn to other people that radiate that same light....just like Bright recognized and was drawn to the pictures of our family. It is where we "belong."
So true..By the way, your son did an awesome job with his skit last night at our activity. He cracked me up. You'll have to get your hands on a copy.
And who knows how far back he can remember still? Past the veil, I'm sure. Smart little guy...
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