Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Mom-blings

Random Blessings
Today's momblings will truly be momblings because I've been thinking about a lot of things, but each of my thoughts always bring me back to the blessings in my life.

Blessing #1 - We went to the BYU vs. Utah basketball game on Saturday with some friends. It's always nice to get together with friends and talk and reminisce. We dropped the kids off at my sister's house (thank you! Kir) and her husband asked us how we got tickets. Kenny replied that his friend always gets a couple extra tickets for this game and it's become kind of tradition for both of us to go together. What a tradition...someone else buys the tickets and we get to go along!! LOL! Anyway, I was thinking what a blessing it is to have good friends. We've known these particular friends for quite a fact, Kenny grew up with them. I always think of what a blessing it was for Kenny to have such good friends while he was growing up, and of the blessing that we still enjoy now because they have been able to maintain that friendship over several years and many miles.

Blessing #2 - I went to make dinner yesterday and remembered that I didn't have any rolls to make to go along with dinner, SO, I did what I haven't done in a long time...I made them FROM SCRATCH!! Yikes! (Technically I made the dough in the breadmaker but it still counts!) Anyway, it gave me the opportunity to teach Ashlynn how to make rolls...just like my grandma used to teach me. That (to teach Ashlynn how to do something) was a blessing in and of itself but it go me thinking about what a blessing my grandma was in my life. She taught me a lot of skills that really aren't used very often anymore, and although I don't use them very often, I can still do them which will be another blessing if hard times continue.

Blessing #3 - We've been trying to get our family on a budget and work towards getting out of debt as quickly as we can. Thankfully, we've never had a huge amount of debt, but with a house payment and a car payment and a credit card payment (we broke down and used the credit card to help us finish the basement so that we wouldn't take too much out of our savings) on top of all the other bills things always seem tight. I was counting my blessings last night for several reasons. Kenny was preparing our taxes and it looks like our return will cover most of our credit card costs. Blessing! As Kenny was doing our taxes he commented that we made significantly less money this year than last. Not a blessing in and of itself, but what a blessing to still have a job in such a difficult economy AND what a blessing to be able to live on less and still be ok! Blessing!

Are things perfect right now? No, but things are good and if you think about it I bet you can come up with a few random blessings that you haven't thought of in a while. So, what are some of your random blessings? Think about it!

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