Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday Mom-blings

Today's momble: Budgeting/Saving Money...ugh!

We've been trying to be really good the last little while....spend money only on the necessities; tighten the belt; eat out less, etc. Basically, we've decided that we need to do everything that we can to get out of debt as quickly as possible, save as much as possible, and live on as little as possible, so that we are prepared for any type of emergency...job loss, natural disaster, etc. (you know, all those really pleasant things to think about!) USUALLY,I'm pretty good at controlling my spending habits, and limiting my wants, but there are times....

Sometimes budgeting is just torture! Like this weekend. No, I didn't fall off the money-saving bandwagon, but I was close. It seems like every time the weather changes it feels like I need to spend money. Last week was beautiful! Almost spring! It gave me the "time to buy new spring things" itch. That would be o.k. if I could just buy new spring things for just one person, but there are 7 people in our family now. How do I buy for one and not the other (although, I can make that decision very easily when it's a necessity.)? That means 7 things to buy, and then there's stuff to buy for the house (cause of course the house would feel bad if everyone got something and it didn't) and my neices and nephews, and sisters, and brothers, see where I'm going with this? Compound the "itch" with the fact that a lot of stores are having some great sales....AAAAHHHHHH! Torture! What to do???

I was at the store on Saturday. I was tempted! I think I had something in my hands for pretty much everyone. Woohoo! Then my brain kicked sensible, money-saving side, so I went back through the store (probably for another look, just to make sure I didn't miss anything) and put everything back. Well, mostly everything! You know what the worst part of recklessly spending money is? The guilt that I get afterward. The "did I really need this" feeling. The "I should have used my money to buy food, not clothes" feeling. I probably look pretty crazy wandering around the store putting things back. Oh saves the guilty conscience! And I suppose a clear conscience is worth more than a new pair of shoes (unless they're red patent leather!). I suppose that's what budgeting is...torturing yourself in one way so that you don't torture yourself in others!

Dave Ramsey always says..."Live like no one else today so that you can live like no one else tomorrow!" That's the goal! One day I won't have to budget that time it will be so in-grained into my subconscious that I will do it anyhow...but until that day I'll just have to keep my spendng habits under control.

So, what about you? Are you feeling the need to spend money or have you already got that money-saving, budgeting thing down?


Coretta from Confetti said...

do I want to spend money... never, do I want to get the stuff that money buys? Oh yes. I grew up with very smart money handlers and ... they are living it up now like no one else. There were 8 kids in our family and people always had something to say about that and how irresponsible it was... I obviously disagree. We had what we needed and enough of what we wanted, we were creative and inventive and had a lovely childhood, our parents spent time with us and we each had a personal relationship with them. I think so many people think that such a relationship takes money. It doesn't have to.
Money saving and budgeting is a constant learning experience I think. Each phase, season and growth adds new things to learn and work though. So do I have it down... always working on it. :)

Fisher Family said...

I went to Kohls on Saturday and saw someone doing that exact same thing...putting clothes back on the rack! So don't feel bad, you're not the only one who does it. Can't say I've got any budgeting down but hopefully this fall we will start over again.

Jackee said...

SO with you on this one. You are an angel at it compared to me. But I'm trying, really trying. Any good tips for me? Bring them on!

Andy Porter said...

I have spent HOURS at the store before. I'll have a cart full of things and then I go and put everything back. I second guess everything I am purchasing because I wonder if I'm getting the "best deal" or if I really need it. Joe always laughs when I tell him I'm going to take a quick trip to the store. No such thing!!


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